Algebra 1 students are now a part of our Blended Learning program, a combination of traditional pencil and paper, along with activities online.

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Algebra 1 Worksheets (8th/9th Grade)

Maintain the momentum for success.

A Grade Ahead’s Algebra 1 worksheets give students a solid foundation and understanding of the math in which trigonometry, calculus, statistics, and every higher order mathematics is built upon. The Enrichment at Home program will elaborate on math skills from Pre-Algebra 2 in addition to introducing:

  • Graphing linear equations
  • Methods of solving linear equations
  • Graphing and solving inequalities
  • Polynomials and factoring
  • Functions

Don’t forget, your child can begin the curriculum at any time throughout the year. Start learning today!


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Month 1
Pre-Algebra review
Month 2
Algebraic expressions; Solving linear equations
Month 3
Volume and surface area; Inequalities; Pythagorean theorem
Month 4
Sequences; Number theory; 2- Variable linear equations
Month 5
2-Variable linear inequalities; Absolute value equations and inequalities
Month 6
Functions; Systems of equations
Month 7
Factoring polynomials
Month 8
Radicals; Quadratic equations
Test Prep Month
Standardized Test Preparation
Month 9
Parabola; Systems of inequalities
Month 10
Probability; Permutation/combination; Non-linear equations
Month 11
Preparing to Move A Grade Ahead